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Vial stabilizers have crushed ribs to firmly grab
the vial. Crush ribs
accommodate varying diameters, as the foam can be crushed away as the vial
is placed into position. |
Mold made in two weeks for a rush
delivery. Thin walled test kit combines a urine cup top with a solid
test tube rack base where color change can be self monitored in the
molded window, note sharp edge on windows. |
Tempo flexy hinge shown on molded slide holder with folded lid. |
Test kits use vial holders to reduce kit part
numbers. Large pockets can be turned into holders for smaller vials by
using molded inserts with crush ribs. |
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Workstation for lab bench test. Rack
molded in front to view color change in test tubes. |
Handy pack for small tools, two molded
foam pieces protect sharp edges of endodontic reamers and injection
molded clear cap shows color of each model inside. Foil wrap provides
attractive closure of foam assembly. |
Convenient use pack for allergy screen.
All items needed for test is carried in place. |
Dual use pack replaces RONDOtm tray for
seven large ampules (seen on right) or six smaller ampules. |
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Stepped test kit with crush ribs are
inside each pocket allow smaller diameter vials to fit in an over sized
pocket for multiple kit configurations. |
Insulating pharmaceutical kit with customer’s logo engraved. |
Removable 3 vial freezer insert reduces
volume used in freezer while ambient items remain outside. Stepped lid
offers first view of frozen chemistry first upon opening of kit. Molded
logo appears in 3D on top surface. |
Thin wall molding allows close arrangement
of small items, freezer insert minimizes space needed in valuable
refrigerators. |
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Molded EPS insert
holds fragile glass vials in nine day test sequence with “each day”
peel-off label for proper kit use. |
24 VIAL RACK, has molded bottom to retain
vials, used for assembly, inventory and shipping tray to reduce handling
labor. Replaced chip-board divider which needed second part to retain
vials. |
Test kit with color change tube rack molded
on front surface. |